“What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. ” – 1Cor. 14:26 (ESV, emphasis added)

EachOneHas began with two Christian college students in Austin, TX, who came in contact with other believers meeting according to 1 Corinthians 14:26. In such gatherings they found all believers having the freedom and ability to openly speak, choose a song, and function for the building up of others. Being impressed with their knowledge of the Scriptures, mutual participation, and sweetness of fellowship, these students gladly entered in and began to grow in their relationship with the Lord. Progressing further, they experienced spiritual vitality with others in their Christian community and began to be burdened that all believers could be brought in to their same enjoyment. This experience helped them see there is more to the Christian life than being saved and attending Sunday services; the Lord desires to build His church (Matt. 16:18). Thus, after much prayer, fellowship, and in coordination with many others, EachOneHas was established in 2011 with the three-fold mission of:

  1. Spreading the truth
  2. Encouraging and equipping all believers to speak for the building up of the church
  3. Connecting people with Christian groups endeavoring to practice 1 Corinthians 14:26

See also our:

FAQ & Statement of Faith